Tis the season to be Jolly! But also the season to catch up on double check-ing over the feed making equipment, storage bins, feeders and even biose-curity. With a very wet fall behind us the moisture may have left some chores to clean up. These jobs are not the most glorious jobs and surely will not hit the headlines like pig diseases such as PRRS and PED etc. But these jobs are something we can control and make a difference on pig performance, feed conversion and everyday health. In this article I will use a lot of pictures and not many words, these pictures to me are worth a thousand words.Let’s start with a chart provided by Dr John Patience on work done at Iowa State University by Dr Dritz 2012. Chart I shows how sanitation (just keeping things clean and biosecure) can give a similar financial return as eliminating PRRS or ILEITIS in your herd. Not glamorous, but true.
Tis the season to be Jolly! But also the season to catch up on double check-ing over the feed making equipment, storage bins, feeders and even biose-curity. With a very wet fall behind us the moisture may have left some chores to clean up. These jobs are not the most glorious jobs and surely will not hit the headlines like pig diseases such as PRRS and PED etc. But these jobs are something we can control and make a difference on pig performance, feed conversion and everyday health. In this article I will use a lot of pictures and not many words, these pictures to me are worth a thousand words.Let’s start with a chart provided by Dr John Patience on work done at Iowa State University by Dr Dritz 2012. Chart I shows how sanitation (just keeping things clean and biosecure) can give a similar financial return as eliminating PRRS or ILEITIS in your herd. Not glamorous, but true.